I record a video with no sound. I save a snapshots and then I compile them to .avi with 25FPS. Now I want to record audio (instead time.sleep(0.04) between following snapshots I will record audio in this time) and compile it wits video. Now I have avi file, and wave file, and I find a solution to mix them.
Python, Win32
It is my "video recorder" which use 'mencoder':
import os
import re
from VideoCapture import *
import time
def makeVideo(device, ftime):
folder = 'foto/forVideo/'
mencoder = "C:\mencoder.exe"
for i in range(ftime * 25) :
FN = "foto\\forVideo\\ola-%(#)04d.jpg" % {"#" : i}
device.saveSnapshot(FN, quality=100, timestamp=0, boldfont=0)
# Set up regular expressions for later
RE = re.compile('.*-(\d*)\.jpg')
fbRE = re.compile('(.*)-.*\.jpg')
# How many frames to use per movie
framestep = 2000
print '\n\n\tlisting contents of %s . . .'%folder
files = os.listdir(folder)
print '%s files found.\n\n' % len(files)
# If a file is called "asdf-003.jpg", the basename will be 'asdf'.
basenames = [fbRE.match(i).groups()[0] for i in files if fbRE.match(i)]
# Get the set of unique basenames. In the
basenames = list(set(basenames))
print '\t***There are %s different runs here.***' % len(basenames)
# This loop will only execute once if there was only a single experiment
# in the folder.
for j,bn in enumerate(basenames):
these_files = [i for i in files if bn in i]
# Sort using the "decorate-sort-undecorate" approach
these_sorted_files = [(int(RE.match(i).groups()[0]),i) for i in these_files if RE.match(i)]
these_sorted_files = [i[1] for i in these_sorted_files]
# these_sorted_files is now a list of the filenames a_001.jpg, a_002.jpg, etc.
for k in range(0, len(these_sorted_files), framestep):
frame1 = k
frame2 = k+framestep
this_output_name = 'C:\_%s_%s_%s-%s.avi' % (bn,j,frame1,frame2)
print '\n\n\toutput will be %s.' % this_output_name
f = open('temp.txt','w')
filenames = [os.path.join(folder,i)+'\n' \
for i in these_sorted_files[frame1:frame2]]
# Finally! Now execute the command to create the video.
cmd = '%s "mf://@temp.txt" -mf fps=25 -o %s -ovc lavc\
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4' % (mencoder,this_output_name)
print '\n\nDONE with %s' % this_output_name
print 'Done with all marked folders.'