Hi Folks,
I have started playing with Maven2 and I'm attempting to port one of my projects from ant to maven. I have managed to build ear file, use jaxb and other bits, but there is one thing left I don't know how to approach.
I have WAR module, with ExtJS code, and I'm using JSBuilder to create and package the code nicely. This is done as ant task and looks like this:
<target name="-pre-compile" description="Building Frontend Libraries">
<java jar="web/lib/dev/JSBuilder2.jar" failonerror="true" fork="true" >
<arg line="--projectFile web/lib/dev/frontend.jsb2 --homeDir web/lib"/>
I am wondering what would be the 'maven' way to do this? Is there a way I can do it purely in maven (had a look at maven:exec plugin but is a bit confusing) or do I have to call ant from maven to achieve this?