how do i disable an html element after checking in php if it exists? in other words, after the data has been inserted into the xml file the first time, the html textbox elements should be disabled, so that the user does not enter any more information in that textbox.
is this possible?
the code checks if the element exists, and if it does, it skips the code, but i would like the html element to be disabled altogether if the element exists:
if ($xmldoc->getElementsByTagName("title")->length == 0) {
/* Arabic */
$el_title_ar = $xmldoc->createElement('title');
$text_title_ar = $xmldoc->createTextNode($title_ar);
$el_title_ar->setAttribute('xml:lang', 'ar');
/* Arabic */
/* English */
$el_title_en = $xmldoc->createElement('title');
$text_title_en = $xmldoc->createTextNode($title_en);
$el_title_en->setAttribute('xml:lang', 'en');
/* English */