



I'm trying to retrieve a default validation error-message using MessageSource. The code I'm working with uses reflection to retrieve the value of the message parameter. On a constraint that does not override the message parameter, I would like to retrieve the default error message. When I invoke the message method on the validation annotation, I get {org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank.message} (for example, for the @NotBlank annotation). I then tried to use MessageSource to get the error message like so:

String message = messageSource.getMessage(key, null, Locale.US);

I tried setting key to {org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank.message}, org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank.message (removed braces) and even org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank but I keep getting null. What am I doing wrong here?


A clarification. I am under the impression that Spring comes with a default file for its constraints. Am I correct in this assumption?


Changing the name of the question to better reflect what I was trying to do.


After running into a blog post from one of the Hibernate guys, and after digging around in the Hibernate Validator source, I think I've figured it out:

public String getMessage(Locale locale, String key) {
    String message = key;
    key = key.toString().replace("{", "").replace("}", "");

    PlatformResourceBundleLocator bundleLocator = new PlatformResourceBundleLocator(ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator.DEFAULT_VALIDATION_MESSAGES);
    ResourceBundle resourceBundle = bundleLocator.getResourceBundle(locale);

    try {
       message = ResourceBundle.getString(key);

    catch(MissingResourceException ) {
       message = key;

    return message;

So first, you have to instantiate a PlatformResourceBundleLocator with the default validation messages. Then you retrieve a ResourceBundle from the locator and use that to get your message. I don't believe this performs any interpolation though. For that you have to use an interpolator; the blog post I linked to above goes into more detail about that.


Another (easier) way is to update your applicationContext.xml and do this:

<bean id="resourceBundleSource" class="">
    <property name="basenames">

Now your MessageSource is populated with the default messages and you can do messageSource.getMessage(). In fact, this is probably the best way.

Vivin Paliath