



Searching on USGS I did not find something easily usable without passing from GIS or similar.

I need only something easy to use, like a high map resolution of the Earth without and with ocean. Have you some hint or advice on how to convert available GIS data?


Ok, found a starting point, not what I really need but anyway something from which working on


Start by searching for DEMs (Digital Elevation Models). Depending on location, they are available in 30m and occassionally 10m grids. I don't know for sure if they are available for all bathymetric surfaces though.

The files are bascially XYZ points of land surfaces. There are some translation tools available or you could roll your own just for fun.

Yes, but the problem with DEMs is that they are not available for all locations
Steel Plume
Depending on the area of interest, there may be sources other than USGS. For example, I've used bathymetric data from Canadian and UK agencies for various research projects. You may also need to translate / transform various data sources to get what you need. It's just part of the fun of working with with large-scale mapping / modeling projects.