I am using Eclipse with the PyDev plugin. I am using xlwt which is for writing to an excel sheet. I have the xlwt library in my src file. I have another python file called gene_sorter.py where i try to import xlwt. using
import xlwt
I keep gettting back this error:
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ben Fossen\Pythonworkspace\MTBgenes\src\gene_sorter.py", line 1, in <module>
from xlwt import *
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ben Fossen\Pythonworkspace\MTBgenes\src\xlwt\__init__.py", line 10, in <module>
from Workbook import Workbook
ImportError: No module named Workbook
I am new to using PyDev and eclipse so mabye I am making a simple mistake. I can't seem to see what I am doing wrong. I am using a new enough version of python so that shouldn't be a problem. Has anyone else had this problem it seems very strange?