Hi, i'm trying to get a query that returns rows only with a specified name, and sort descending by week (integer).
Everytime I try and run it it gives me a FC and logcat says
ERROR/AndroidRuntime(728): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: New: , while compiling: SELECT Name, Week, Total FROM notes WHERE Name=New ORDER BY WeekDESC LIMIT 10
public Cursor graphQuery(String name){
return mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_NAME,
KEY_WEEK, KEY_TOTAL}, KEY_NAME + "=" + name, null, null, null, KEY_WEEK + "DESC","10");
It says that there is no such column, which doesn't make sense because it should be looking at the names in the row and returning the ones that match. Also if I put KEY_NAME + "=" + name as null, it says that there is no such column WeekDESC which doesn't make sense either cause it is just supposed to be sorting by an integer.
I have gotten this code working before, but I misplaced it and can't seem to get it working again... This is getting frustrating, any help is very much appreciated!