+1  A: 

Is the crontab owned by the same user as the one you are logged in as when you run things manually?

Since it seems like a clear PATH issue, and cron runs with a restricted PATH (i.e. not what's in your .profile), try adding this to the top of your crontab file.


Or if you don't want to modify cron's PATH, you could symlink the files you need into /usr/sbin, which is likely in the PATH by default.

I'll search around for how to check crontab ownership, I just type 'crontab -l' as shown above as the only user I ever log in as, which makes me think it might be something else. Plus the other jobs run fine, and I use the fully-specified path to the binaries. Do you really think it's a PATH issue?
added the PATH line and it's working. You were right, many thanks!
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Instead of doing that, I recommend to set up bin path in your sphinx.yml. For example, mine is `bin_path: '/opt/sphinx-1.10-beta/bin'`.