Hi, I'm using Eclipse and Ant in my development environment.
I've come across a problem
Here's part of my build.xml
<target name="deploy" depends="dist" description="deploy jar files">
<!-- Deploy jar files on local Tomcat -->
<echo>Deploying in ${tomcat_home}/webapps</echo>
<echo>Copying JSP files from ${build_dir} to ${tomcat_home}/${ant.project.name}/$</echo>
<copy todir="${tomcat_home}/webapps/">
<fileset dir="${resources_dir}/" includes="**/*.jsp"/>
I change a file, then run an ant build - all the files and jars are copied to the right place on my server.
But the problem I have is, if I make another change quickly and then run Ant again, my files aren't copied. Obviously Any is looking at the timestamp to see when I last updated the file. If it matches the same minute, it doesn't update.
How can I force the file copying every time?