



I am working on an Android app where we enter some text in edit box and all i want to do is simply send the text which typed (i.e.., edittext.gettext()) to facebook as my status. The important thing is i dont want a facebook dialog box to open just send the message as status without a dialog box. Is there any way i could post without using dialog box?


You can use Facebook's Graph API for this; Android has JSON serialization classes available in the org.json package. The only part of reasonable complexity is authorization/authentication, for which there's documentation here.

You may also have luck using the Facebook's SDK for Android.

Roman Nurik
Hi Nurik, firstly Thanks for your reply. I am using the following code JSONObject json = Util.parseJson(response); message = json.getString("message");i guess parseJson(response) is the command which parses the response of server into Json object json here. If I am correct the server response is coming from the dialog box of facebook for posting mFacebook.dialog(Example.this, "stream.publish",new SampleDialogListener());I am wondering whether there is a way not using dialog.PLz correct me if I am wrong