I am trying to create a inetd-like service for Windows in PHP for future use with my other application.
So all I can think of is to use Steam Server and proc_open to pipe the stream directly to the process (like inetd). Because on Windows there is no pcntl_fork(), and PHP doesn't support threading.
So far, here is my code. The inetdtest
program is a simple program with single printf
(written in C). But the problem is that when I connected to my server (via netcat), I got no response message.
define ('SERVICE_COMMAND', 'inetdtest');
define ('SERVICE_PORT', 35123);
function main() {
echo "Simple inetd starting...\n";
$socket = stream_socket_server('tcp://' . SERVICE_PORT, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND|STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN);
if ($socket === false) {
echo "Can't bind to service port.\n";
echo "[$errno] $errstr";
$processes = array();
while (true) {
$current = @stream_socket_accept($socket, 5, $host);
if ($current !== false) {
echo 'Incomming connection from client ' . $host . "\n";
echo "Lunching child process... ";
$io = array(
0 => $current,
1 => $current,
2 => array('file', 'stderr.log', 'a')
$proc = proc_open(SERVICE_COMMAND, $io, $pipes, NULL, NULL, array('bypass_shell'));
$status = proc_get_status($proc);
echo " DONE! PID : {$status['pid']}\n";
$processes[] = array($current, $proc);
foreach ($processes as $k=>$v) {
$status = proc_get_status($v[1]);
if (false === $status['running']) {
echo "Finalizing process {$status['pid']}... ";
echo "DONE!\n";