I want to send emails using Email Class(CodeIgniter) Problem is that Email is sending so simple in text format... I want to design email with (html, tables and colors) or What is the advanced-way for Emailing with CodeIgniter.
function signup(){
stripped out the validation code
stripped out the db insert code
$data = array( 'some_var_for_view'=>'Some Value for View' );
$htmlMessage = $this->parser->parse('user/email/signup_html', $data, true); $txtMessage = $this->parser->parse('user/email/signup_txt', $data, true);
send the message
$this->email->from('[email protected]', 'CSSNinja'); $this->email->to($this->input->post('email_address')); $this->email->subject('Account Registration Confirmation'); $this->email->message($htmlMessage); $this->email->alt_message($txtMessage); $this->email->send();
My problem is now solved with this code found from link below http://www.webdevkungfu.com/email-templates-with-codeigniter/
2010-08-02 08:30:01