Hey guys, so I'm making a script to featch words/results off of this site (http://grecni.com/texttwist.php), So I already have the http request post ready, ect.
Only thing I need now is to fetch out the words, So I'm working with an html source that looks like so:
<title>Text Twist Unscrambler</title>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Text,Twist,Text Twist,Unscramble,Free,Source,php">
<font face="arial,helvetica" size="3">
<b>3 letter words</b><br>sae sac ess aas ass sea ace sec <p>
<b>4 letter words</b><br>cess secs seas ceca sacs case asea casa aces caca <p>
<b>5 letter words</b><br>cacas casas caeca cases <p>
<b>6 letter words</b><br>access <br><br>
Found 23 words in 0.22962 seconds
<form action="texttwist.php" method="post">
enter scrambled letters and I'll return all word combinations<br>
<input type="text" name="l" value="asceacas" size="20" maxlength="20">
<input type="submit" name="button" value="unscramble">
<input type="button" name="clear" value="clear" onClick="this.form.l.value='';">
<a href=texttwist.phps>php source</a>
- it's kinda ugly, but it's fast<p>
<a href=/>back to my page</a>
I'm trying to fetch the words like "sae", "sav", "secs", "seas", "casas", ect.
Any help?
This is the farthest i've gotten, don't know what to do from here.: link text
Any suggestions? Help?