Hi. I'm using the tcpdf PHP class for creating PDFs. Is there any solution to add tooltips to links?
I don't think so... seems the library doesn't support it, I even haven't met it in practice.
BTW they are called comments in PDF.
2010-08-01 15:47:52
Links itself cannot have tooltips. Viewers always show the URL.
But TCPDF can add "Annotations", which is the closest you can get to tooltips (but have to be assigned to a rectangle area instead of to text/paragraphs). http://www.tecnick.com/pagefiles/tcpdf/doc/com-tecnick-tcpdf/TCPDF.html#methodAnnotation
You'll have to refer to the PDF specification. Section 8.4 and 8.4.5, and you are looking for "Popup". http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDFReference16.pdf
2010-08-01 16:59:37