



I want to selectively hide some resources based on some form of authentication in, but their existence is revealed by 405 responses to any HTTP method that I haven't implemented.

Here's an example:

import web

urls = (
    '/secret', 'secret',

app = web.application(urls, globals())

class secret():
    def GET(self):
        if web.cookies().get('password') == 'secretpassword':
            return "Dastardly secret plans..."
        raise web.notfound()

if __name__ == "__main__":

When an undefined method request is issued, the resource is revealed:

$ curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/secret
> DELETE /secret HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
< Content-Type: text/html
< Allow: GET

I could implement the same check for the other common methods in the HTTP specification, but a creative miscreant might invent their own:

$ curl -v -X SHENANIGANS http://localhost:8080/secret
> SHENANIGANS /secret HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
< Content-Type: text/html
< Allow: GET

Is there a way to implement a catch all method in a class for any HTTP method, so I can ensure the security check will be run?

Or is there an alternative way to hide these resources?


you can define any method in your 'secret' class, such as DELETE or SHENANIGANS, like this:

class secret():

    def DELETE(self):

    def SHENANIGANS(self):
Xie Yanbo
An attacker can invent whatever method name they like. If I start defining methods for every possibility I'm gonna miss my deadline :)
Ian Mackinnon
+1  A: 

You can implement handle-all-methods method like this:

class HelloType(type):
    """Metaclass is needed to fool hasattr(cls, method) check"""
    def __getattribute__(obj, name):
            return object.__getattribute__(obj, name)
        except AttributeError:
            return object.__getattribute__(obj, '_handle_unknown')        

class hello(object):
    __metaclass__ = HelloType
    def GET(self, *args, **kw):
        if web.cookies().get('password') == 'secretpassword':
            return "Dastardly secret plans..."
        raise web.notfound()

    def _handle_unknown(self, *args, **kw):
        """This method will be called for all requests, which have no defined method"""
        raise web.notfound()

    def __getattribute__(obj, name):
            return object.__getattribute__(obj, name)
        except AttributeError:
            return object.__getattribute__(obj, '_handle_unknown') 

__getattribute__ is implemented twice due to the way checks for method existence:

def _delegate(self, f, fvars, args=[]):
    def handle_class(cls):
        meth = web.ctx.method
        if meth == 'HEAD' and not hasattr(cls, meth):
            meth = 'GET'
        if not hasattr(cls, meth): # Calls type's __getattribute__
            raise web.nomethod(cls)
        tocall = getattr(cls(), meth) # Calls instance's __getattribute__
Daniel Kluev
Thanks so much for this clear and helpful explanation. I decided to used a different method that I felt more comfortable with, but I had no idea where to start before reading your answer!
Ian Mackinnon
+1  A: 

Enlightened by Daniel Kluev's answer, I ended up deriving from web.application to add support for a default method in the _delegate method:

import types

class application(web.application):
    def _delegate(self, f, fvars, args=[]):
        def handle_class(cls):
            meth = web.ctx.method
            if meth == 'HEAD' and not hasattr(cls, meth):
                meth = 'GET'
            if not hasattr(cls, meth):
                if hasattr(cls, '_default'):
                    tocall = getattr(cls(), '_default')
                    return tocall(*args)
                raise web.nomethod(cls)
            tocall = getattr(cls(), meth)
            return tocall(*args)

        def is_class(o): return isinstance(o, (types.ClassType, type))


app = application(urls, globals())

Page class:

class secret():
    def _default(self):
        raise web.notfound()

    def GET(self):

I prefer this solution because it keeps the page classes clean and affords further customisation of the delegation process in a single place. For example, another feature I wanted was transparent overloaded POST (eg. redirecting a POST request with method=DELETE to the DELETE method of the page class) and it's simple to add that here too:

            meth = web.ctx.method
            if meth == 'POST' and 'method' in web.input():
                meth = web.input()['method']
Ian Mackinnon