I am currently writing an OS X driver for the NewTek LiveControl LC-11 as seen here.
In the course of my reverse engineering I have found that it is using a serial to USB converter and that it communicates with hexadecimal output when a button is pushed or an analog value changes. Using this output I have been able to interpet every button, digital knob, and the analog slider, but am currently stuck on interpreting the two analog joysticks and controlling the backlight LEDs. Here is a table of the joysticks output values in various positions.
(Sorry that I couldn't embed the image but stack overflow won't let me since I just registered.)
Left Center Right
Top ^529DC ^587FF ^5D6DA
Center ^50883 ^58181 ^5F280
Bottom ^51E2F ^57C00 ^5BC1F
I think that the '^' is some kind of marker (some of the other buttons have codes that start with '~' and some of the release events have no marker at all other than a '\r' from the message before. I have been able to interpret no pattern in these markings at all but I don't think it is necessarily important.) and I know that each joystick has it's own unique range of output values. If anyone can shed some light on this mystery it would be greatly appreciated. :D