Hello all,
I have the function below which I call very frequently in a loop.
I waited 5 minutes as the memory climbed up from 1MB to 156MB. Should't PHP's garabage collector turn up and reduce this at some point?!
Is it because I have set memory limit at 256MB?
At echo point 2,3,4 its pretty constant memory usage. It goes down my half a meg at point 4. But point 1 is where the main memory increase happens. Probably because of file_get_html
loading the html file in memory.
I though the clear and unset of the variable $html
would take care of this?
function get_stuff($link, $category ){
$html = file_get_html(trim("$link"));
$article = $html->find('div[class=searchresultsWidget]', 0);
echo '1 - > '.convert(memory_get_usage(true)).'<br />';
foreach($article->find('h4 a') as $link){
$next_url = 'http://new.mysite.com'.$link->href;
$font_name = trim($link->plaintext);
$html = file_get_html(trim("$next_url"));
$article = $html->find('form[class=addtags]', 0);
$font_tags = '';
foreach($article->find('ul[class=everyone_tags] li a span') as $link){
$font_tags .= trim($link->innertext).',';
echo '2 - > '.convert(memory_get_usage(true)).'<br />';
$font_name = mysql_real_escape_string($font_name);
$category = mysql_real_escape_string($category);
$font_tags = mysql_real_escape_string($font_tags);
$sql = "INSERT INTO tag_data (font_name, category, tags) VALUES ('$font_name', '$category', '$font_tags')";
echo '3 - > '.convert(memory_get_usage(true)).'<br />';
echo '4 - > '.convert(memory_get_usage(true)).'<br />';
As you can see, I attempted to make use of unset feebly. Although its no good as I understand it won't "unset" memory as soon as I call it.
Thanks all for any help on how I can reduce this upward rise of memory.