For the past two years I've taught a final year undergraduate course in game development with the main focus being a project in groups of 4-5. I've required that the students use the NeoAxis engine mostly because it what I found accessible, and it comes with a good range of demo games that the students can "evolve" to become their own games. Plus it works with Blender which helps with our budget. Overall it has worked pretty well.
This year I've opened up the choice, and in particular I mentioned Unity and the UDK as alternatives. I've tried both a little, but now that the students are starting the project I'm wondering it's wise to recommend these given I know less about them compared to NeoAxis. The UDK worries me more than Unity just because the UDK seems so fully featured that it's easy to get lost among the features, and the time frame for these projects is just one semester. (But, maybe I should be more worried about Unity.)
So, does it seem likely that undergraduates with relatively strong technical skills would figure out each of these engines (Unity, UDK) sufficiently during a 12 week semester to produce a "prototype" level game, similar to what's been done in previous years with NeoAxis?