



Design a Movie Booking application that

  1. Allows user to browse movie listing (of at least 10 movies) with image and description;
  2. When user selects a movie, show him the seats available;
  3. User may choose the seats by clicking on them;
  4. User may de-select a seat by clicking on a selected seat;
  5. When user clicks a “Book” button, display his booking info and total price;
  6. When user clicks “OK”, update the record and the seats will not be available to subsequent user.

Thank you very much for your help(:


From your requirements I deduce that you're project is just a simple database application with a graphical user interface.

For that purpose I recommend the following.

  1. Learn about databases and SQL, how to define tables, select data, store and retrieve photos, etc. Put and special emphasis on JDBC, since this would be done in java. You're first step could very well be to define a database squema.
  2. Learn about Swing, how to define your GUI, how to react to GUI events, such as clicking a button, etc. Here is a good begginers toturial, that will help you to get the GUI part of your project ready.

Do the interface first. I wouldn't even bother with the DB to begin with. I would simply have a simple array with the movie title and the start times.

The DB would be the last thing I would recommend attempting.

Really though if you are attempting this part of the course already and you don't know the basics of Java & Swing then you should make sure you turn up to lectures first!
