First: Sorry for the ambiguous question, I'm not fully versed on Rails parlance yet.
I am trying to search a dataset for a value. If the dataset contains the value, I'd like the app to do something. If it doesn't, the app needs to do something else.
The data breaks down like this: I have affiliates and users, each with a HABTM relationship to the other. I have a page where the user can signup for affiliates, which are displayed as a group of checkboxes. What I'm looking for is a way to have the checkboxes for all the affiliates a user has currently signed up for checked.
Here's the code for the view (in HAML)
- @affiliates.each do |a|
%label{ :for => "affiliate_#{}"}=
- if{ |ua| == }
= check_box_tag "affiliate_list[#{}]", 1, true, {:id => "affiliate_#{}"}
- else
= check_box_tag "affiliate_list[#{}]", 1, false, {:id => "affiliate_#{}"}
The problem with this code, however, is that it is always returning true, and thus, checking boxes, even if a user hasn't signed up for an affiliate.
I've tried looking up the .select method, but I keep coming up with the form helper stuff. Can someone point me in the right direction?