



Hi I have a site where I use a User Table. I want to be able to add users but not delete them - I need to update a filed in the database that said Is Deleted - Any Idea how to do this?


I would suggest using something like Linq to SQL or Entity Framework (or other ORM), and create a CRUD repository (Create, Read, Update, Delete). But the method for the "D" will actually be an update method that updates the isDeleted field.

Here's an example of my CRUD repository (with a service layer as well).


Public Class UserRepository : Implements IUserRepository 
    Private dc As MyDatabaseDataContext 
    Public Sub New() 
        dc = New MyDatabaseDataContext 
    End Sub 

    ''# note, this adds a user based on an OpenID - might not be what you're looking for
    Public Sub AddUser(ByVal openid As OpenID) Implements IUserRepository.AddUser 
        Dim user As New User 
        user.MemberSince = DateTime.Now 
        openid.User = user 

    End Sub 

    ''# This gets users as Queryable so that we can defer the query till the end.
    Public Function GetUsers() As IQueryable(Of User) Implements IUserRepository.GetUsers 
        Dim users = (From u In dc.Users 
                    Select u) 
        Return users.AsQueryable 
    End Function 

    ''# Here's the magic function that you're looking for. DELETE is actually an UPDATE.
    Public Sub DeleteUser(ByVal user as User) Implements IUserRepository.DeleteUser
        Dim _user = (From u In dc.Users 
            Where u.ID = user.ID 
            Select u).Single 

        _user.isDeleted = True
    End Sub

    ''# Basic Update Method
    Public Sub UpdateUser(ByVal user As User) Implements IUserRepository.UpdateUser 
        Dim _user = (From u In dc.Users 
            Where u.ID = user.ID 
            Select u).Single 

        With _user 
            .About = user.About 
            .BirthDate = user.BirthDate 
            .Email = user.Email 
            .isClosed = user.isClosed 
            .isProfileComplete = user.isProfileComplete 
            .RegionID = user.RegionID 
            .Reputation = user.Reputation 
            .UserName = user.UserName 
            .WebSite = user.WebSite 
        End With 

    End Sub 

    ''# Make sure to call SubmitChanges
    Public Sub SubmitChanges() Implements IUserRepository.SubmitChanges 
    End Sub 
End Class 
How do I set that the delete function in Dynamic Data use my code?
Jedi Master Spooky
Dynamic Data is still using Linq To SQL. Go into the code behind of the Edit template and post the edit code (just edit your existing question). I don't use Dynamic Data (I've chosen MVC instead), but the principles will be the same.

I create an custom form for every Entity.

Jedi Master Spooky