I have view.jsp and edit.jsp pages. Both call load() method of an action, which returns SUCCESS. Is there a way to forward to the page request came from in struts.xml, instead of this?
<action name="call_1" method="load" class="package.action.List">
<result name="success" type="json">/WEB-INF/view.jsp</result>
<action name="call_2" method="load" class="package.action.List">
<result name="success" type="json">/WEB-INF/edit.jsp</result>
Also, my action builds hashmap as {"3":"adam","1":"brian","2":"brit","4":"den"}, which is used to populate a drop down menu. It is sorted based on values, but for some reason json still dispaly it in the following order. brian->brit->adam->den. Why is still being sorted based on keys when keys are strings.