




I have a field (nonTimeStampDate) that has date like this


and I want to check it against another field (timeStampDate) which is

2010-03-15 15:07:45    

to see if the date matchs. But as you can see since the format is different it doesnt match even though the date is same.
Any help will be appreciated. thanks

+3  A: 

If you are certain about the input string format, you need to split it and take the first part, in order to compare it with your original date:

$splits = explode(' ', $original);
$datapart = $splits[0];
if ($datepart == $nonTimeStampDate) {
    // your code here
+2  A: 

What Anax says, or if these values are in MySQL tables, you can use MySQLs datetime functions (like DATE()) to compare them in MySQL.

+4  A: 

You might want to try this code:

if (strpos($date1, $date2) !== false)  {
  // Your code here

It is a bit faster than exploding the value by a space as suggested by Anax. Make sure that $date2 contains the shorter of the two dates.

+4  A: 

My first thought is using date() and strtotime() to reformat them.

$date1 ="2010-03-15";
$date2 = "2010-03-15 15:07:45";

if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date1)) == date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date2)))
   //do something 

This would work and give you more flexibility in how the two dates formatted to begin with. Not the most elegant.

problem is that I am comparing it in sql so $date2 is a field value in table
If you are doing this from sql, try using DATE_FORMAT:`SELECT * FROM table WHERE DATE_FORMAT(Field1, '%Y-%m-%d') = DATE_FORMAT(Field2, '%Y-%m-%d')`
+1  A: 
$firstDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("2010-03-15"));
$secondDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("2010-03-15 15:07:45"));     

if( $firstDate == $secondDate ) {
       // true    
problem is that I am comparing it in sql so $secondDate is a field value in table
Then you can get $secondDate from database directly before comparing it with $firstDate in if condition.
+2  A: 

Then, just compare the date part:


if( substr('2010-03-15 15:07:45', 0, 10) == '2010-03-15' ){
    echo 'Dates match';


Whatever, if you need to do serious date handling, you need to use a proper format, such as a DateTime object.

Álvaro G. Vicario
like this different approach :)