




hello, i need to extract an image tag using jsoup from this html

<div class="picture"> 
    <img src="http://asdasd/aacb.jpgs" title="picture" alt="picture" />

i need to extract the src of this img tag ... i am using this code i am getting null value

Element masthead2 = doc.select("div.picture").first();
String linkText = masthead2.outerHtml();
Document doc1 = Jsoup.parse(linkText);
Element masthead3 = doc1.select("img[src]").first();
String linkText1 = masthead3.html();

With the following code I can extract the image correctly:

    Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<div class=\"picture\"> <img src=\"http://asdasd/aacb.jpgs\" title=\"picture\" alt=\"picture\" /> </div>");

    Element elem = doc.select("div.picture img").first();

    System.out.println("elem: " + elem.attr("src"));

I'm using jsoup release 1.2.2, the latest one.

Maybe you're trying to print the inner html of an empty tag like img.

From the documentation: "html() - Retrieves the element's inner HTML".

For the second portion of html you can use:

    Document doc2 = Jsoup.parse("<tr>  <td class=\"blackNoLine\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" valign=\"top\" width=\"25\" align=\"left\"><b>CAST: </b></td>  <td class=\"blackNoLine\" valign=\"top\" width=\"416\">Jay, Shazahn Padamsee&nbsp;</td>  </tr>");
    Elements trElems = doc2.select("tr");
    if (trElems != null) {
        for (Element element : trElems) {
            Element secondTd = element.select("td").get(1);

            System.out.println("name: " + secondTd.text());

which prints "Jay, Shazahn Padamsee".

ya thanks yar another one .. <dt>Size:</dt> <dd>example text</dd> <br /> it have a lot of dd and dt how can i extract the exact one
Can you explain what are you trying to do? Can you post also the html code of the request?
how can i extract the second element in an class <tr> <td class="blackNoLine" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="25" align="left"><b>CAST: </b></td> <td class="blackNoLine" valign="top" width="416">Jay, Shazahn Padamsee </td> </tr>i need to extract Jay, Shazahn Padamsee 
<tr>  <td class="blackNoLine" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="25" align="left"><b>CAST: </b></td>  <td class="blackNoLine" valign="top" width="416">Jay, Shazahn Padamsee&nbsp;</td>  </tr>

You can use:

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(...);
Elements els = doc.select("td[class=blackNoLine]");
Element el= els.get(1);
String castName = el.text();
Duy Do
+1  A: 


Here's an example to get the image source attribute:

public static void main(String... args) {
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<div class=\"picture\"><img src=\"http://asdasd/aacb.jpgs\" title=\"picture\" alt=\"picture\" /></div>");
    Element img = doc.select("div.picture img").first();
    String imgSrc = img.attr("src");
    System.out.println("Img source: " + imgSrc);

The div.picture img selector finds the image element under the div.

The main extract methods on an element are:

  • attr(name), which gets the value of an element's attribute,
  • text(), which gets the text content of an element (e.g. in <p>Hello</p>, text() is "Hello"),
  • html(), which gets an element's inner HTML (<div><img></div> html() = <img>), and
  • outerHtml(), which gets an elements full HTML (<div><img></div> html() = <div><img></div>)

You don't need to reparse the HTML like in your current example, either select the correct element in the first place using a more specific selector, or hit the element.select(string) method to winnow down.

Jonathan Hedley