I've been trying for hours to get my drawing method to work by drawing in a BufferedImage stored in a Clojure ref
, and then to have that painted onto the component (in this case a JPanel
) in order to display it. Unfortunately, this isn't working well at all.
My code is this (pared down, but showing the relevant parts:
(defn create-graph
"Data-ref is [xs ys], buffered-image-ref holds the basic graph."
[data-ref buffered-image-ref & {:keys [width height image]}]
(proxy [JPanel]
(getPreferredSize [] (Dimension. width height))
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(if-not @buffered-image-ref
(ref-set buffered-image-ref
(first @data-ref)
(second @data-ref)
(BufferedImage. width height
:axis? true
:width width
:height height))))
(.drawImage g @buffered-image-ref
0 0
(proxy [ImageObserver]
(imageUpdate []
(proxy-super imageUpdate)))))))
And, below, xy-plot2 (which doesn't appear to be the problem, but I'll include it for completeness:
(defn xy-plot2
"Draws an xy-plot in the given Graphics context.
'xs must be equal in length to 'ys."
[xs ys gfx
& {:keys [color max-y axis? y-buffer width height]
:or {color Color/RED y-buffer 0}}]
(let [h (/ height 2) ;; since we have -h to h (not 0 to h)
w width ;; since we graph 0 to w
len (count xs)
min-x (apply min xs)
xs (if-not (zero? min-x)
(map #(- % min-x) xs)
max-y (or max-y (apply max ys))
max-x (apply max xs)]
(.setColor gfx color)
(dorun ;; this is the key part, along with scale-xs and draw-l
(take len
(iterate (partial d-line gfx h)
[(scale-xs xs w 0)
(scale-xs ys h y-buffer)])))
(and axis? (or (.setColor gfx Color/BLACK) (.drawLine gfx 0 h w h)))
When I run this, I get this error, which leads to to believe I've messed up in the last part of the paintComponent()
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
No matching method found: drawImage for class sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D
I've tried substituting nil
for the ImageObserver
, but to no avail. I've tried other arg orders (for other drawImage
methods for other types of Graphics
classes). All to no avail.
Sorry if I'm sounding a bit hard to understand, this bug's been plaguing me. I'll edit in the morning, if need be!
Thank you so, so much, Isaac