


+1  Q: 

my site show error

my site show this error

you can also check online it visit only 4 to 5 pages then

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: System resource exceeded.

Source Error:

Line 267:            OleDbDataAdapter dtt = new OleDbDataAdapter(tot);
Line 268:            DataSet dstt = new DataSet();
Line 269:            dtt.Fill(dstt);
Line 270:
Line 271:            this.totalview.Text = dstt.Tables[0

can any one tell my how to solve it


Are you closing your DataAdapters? You need to either explicitly call dtt.Close() or use using blocks (they're IDisposable):

DataSet dstt = new DataSet();
using(OleDbDataAdapter dtt = new OleDbDataAdapter(tot))

etc. The Close() is redundant here because the using block will call dtt.Dispose() but I prefer to leave it in anyway.

Most ADO.NET objects are IDisposable; whereas I doubt some of these matter whether you close and dispose them or not (e.g. Commands) I expect DataAdapters, connections, etc. do.

i make it dispose i am not shure that it is a exact error
OK, sorry that didn't help. Here's the MSDN article on connection pooling in case you haven't seen it: assuming you're using the same connection string for all connections it should pool automatically but suggests you close connections as soon as you're done with them. It might be worth trying to debug into the OleDb library to see exactly what resource it has run out of if you can - I'm not sure if the source is on the Microsoft symbol servers or not.