I'm trying to multicore a function (in Windows), which, at one point, calls another workhorse function (function within function). Here is a minimal working example. You will need doSMP
and revoIPC
packages (to get them, see Tal's post here).
func1 <- function(x) {sqrt(x)}
func2 <- function(y) {
wrk <- startWorkers(workerCount = 4) #I have 4 cores, so adjust to your specs
obj.result <- foreach(i = 1:10000) %dopar% func2(i)
The above routine doesn't work, but if I nest func1
within func2
like so
func2 <- function(y) {
func1 <- function(x) {sqrt(x)}
the process goes through smoothly (as far as I can tell).
How can I call functions from outside with %dopar%