hi guys, I have this huge VB project which i just got from some one. i want to add a check box to a dialog in it so i opened Main2.frm and added a check box using ide. but now when i run the application the dialog resized to its orignal size hence not showing the new check box which is at the bottom. I know that this means somewhere in the code there might be something resizing the dialog box but i have scaned the code and found nothing. where the dialog is being created this is being done:
Main2.vsCodeOptions.Left = 10 Main2.vsCodeOptions.Top = 0
Main2.Move main.Left + (main.Width - Main2.Width) \ 2, main.Top + (main.Height - Main2.Height) \ 2, 3900, 5010
Main2.VSImport.Visible = False
Main2.VSAlload.Visible = False
Main2.VsrepPrt.Visible = False
Main2.VSAbout.Visible = False
Main2.vsCodeOptions.Visible = True
Main2.Left = main.Left + (main.Width - Main2.Width) \ 2
Main2.Top = main.Top + (main.Height - Main2.Height) \ 2
'Use this code to make the form stay on top in the form module:
SetWindowPos Main2.hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, Main2.Left, Main2.Top, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE
one more thing i am new to VB and VB editor. i want to all controls in a dialog to move collectively, one method is to select them one by one but i want to select all and then move them to make room for new dialog –