I am working on mail client application. I want to show all HTTP links as clickable hyper links.
I have noticed that some clients are sending HTTP links without enclosing them inside the anchor tags. In this case I am failing to show those links as clickable links.
My requirement is to find all HTTP links in a HTML mail and need to replace those links by enclosing them within anchor tags and also I need to exclude the links which are already in anchor tags or in source attribute of any tag.
Ex: Suppose my HTML mail is having the following text
Input: "http://www.google.com/" < a href = "http:\\gmail.com"></a>
After replacing I want the following out put
Output: <a href = "http://www.google.com"> </a> < a href = "http:\\gmail.com"></a>
I think I can not directly look for pattern which starts with http... because it can also come as src of any tag.
So Can some one help me to solve these issue
Thanks in advance