



I'm making a website where files are uploaded through the admin and this will then store them on Amazon S3. I'm using django-storages and boto for this, and it seems to be working just fine.

Thing is, I'm used to use my easy_thumbnails (the new sorl.thumbnail) on the template side to create thumbnails on the fly. I prefer this approach, rather than the model side, as it allows for easier maintenance if ever I decide to change the thumbnail size at a later date etc.

But I'm realising that easy_thumbnails doesn't seem to like reading the image now it's stored on Amazon S3. Also, I realised, where exactly would it be putting the thumbnails once made anyhow? Obviously, I'd prefer these to be on Amazon S3 as well. But how do I get these two technologies to play nice?

How would I get easy_thumbnails to store the thumb it creates back on Amazon S3? Or am I just looking at this all wrong?!
