



Our IT department controls the setup and configuration of our web server.
Webserver: Sunone 61sp9
Java version number: 1.4.2
Web Module: 2.3

But developers are only given a folder such as


I don't think it is properly setup for multiple developers to develop their own apps. There is no way that I know how to deploy an application. We can drop jsp's into this folder and they hot deploy. So my applications are merely organized as sub folders under my root jsp folder.

I was also given a folder in the class paths so I can utilized custom classes.


But how can I utilize a web.xml? I have created a WEB-INF folder in both my jsp and classes folder and then tried a simple jsp

<% String value = getServletContext().getInitParameter("cparm"); %>
context parameter: <%=value %>

but I get null for the value

I was able to place the JSTL jars in the /www/classes/user/name/WEB-INF/lib folder

and could use it this way:

<%@ taglib uri="/www/classes/user/name/WEB-INF/tlds/c.tld" prefix="c" %>

Is there another way to specify the web.xml? Or a clue I can send to my IT department to enable proper deployment for us developers (WITHOUT upgrading software) ??