



I'm implementing the repository "pattern" in my ASP.NET MVC application. So i was doing some reading to decide whether i should expose the entire DataContext (initializing it in the constructor) or just the table via .GetTable<T> when performance is the most important factor.

While doing my googling i ran into the following code at In this code he takes out the table first and then queries on that object. So now im wondering if there is any advantage to this method.

public void PrintWinners()
   // creates a data context that takes the path of the database
   DataContext dc = new DataContext(@"C:\Program Files\
      Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\UCL.mdf");

   // retrieves a Table of Winner
   Table<Winner> winners = dc.GetTable<Winner>();

   // creates a sequence of winners ordered descending by the
   // winning year
   var result = from w in winners
                orderby w.Year descending
                select w;

   // prints the sequence of winners
   foreach (var w in result)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}, {2}",
      w.Year, w.Name, w.Country);
+1  A: 

The only way your repository will be generic enough to be used across all of your applications is by using


DataContext.EntityName is generated by the standard t4 templates and is the least extensible option.

Alright, forget the repository part for a sec. Is there any difference with regards to performance between the 2?
@Fabian Nope, the generated DataContext.MyEntity calls GetTable<MyEntity>