How can I test if my reference to an remote object is still alive?
Call any method on the object. A RemoteException will be thrown if the object is not alive.
Thierry-Dimitri Roy
2010-08-03 17:49:26
Would calling hashCode() trigger a RuntimeException?
2010-08-03 19:41:24
Call any remote method on the object. That will tell you if it is reachable.
Romain Hippeau
2010-08-03 22:41:14
No. A NoSuchObjectException will be thrown if the object is not alive, and that's not a RuntimeException, it's a RemoteException.
2010-08-04 04:27:05
@EJP: Good catch
Thierry-Dimitri Roy
2010-08-04 12:49:19