OK Ive written this neat javascript 'thing' using jquery and ajax. Its all based on the idea that a div has an attribute that lets you write inside the div. (contenteditable=true). I thought it would be cool to make a chatroom type thing out of it, and holy cow its doing some cool stuff(*), but I have an issue.
Using ajax I post to a php page that takes the posted data (x,y, text, id) and stuffs it into a JSON-like object. Without writing to a database (overkill I think), how can I make this data persist? See the problem? : The variables in a php page are essentially vapor after the page has ran, so my javascript ajax call to retrieveNewJSON() would find nothing.
*using jquery effects and setting colors I have variably placed text that scrolls and evaporates, matrix style, for example. Also, a cursor is placed in the div where the user clicks.