



I have a very large (80+ million row) de-normalized MySQL table. A simplified schema looks like:

|    ID     |   PARAM1    |   PARAM2     |   PARAM3     |
|    1      |   .04       |    .87       |    .78       |
|    2      |   .12       |    .02       |    .76       |
|    3      |   .24       |    .92       |    .23       |
|    4      |   .65       |    .12       |    .01       |
|    5      |   .98       |    .45       |    .65       |

I'm trying to see if there's a way to optimize a query in which I apply a weight to each PARAM column (where weight is between 0 and 1) and then average them to come up with a computed value SCORE. Then I want to ORDER BY that computed SCORE column.

For example, assuming the weighting for PARAM1 is .5, the weighting for PARAM2 is .23 and the weighting for PARAM3 is .76, you would end up with something similar to:

SELECT ID, ((PARAM1 * .5) + (PARAM2 * .23) + (PARAM3 * .76)) / 3 AS SCORE 


With some proper indexing, this is fast for basic queries, but I can't figure out a good way to speed up the above query on such a large table.


  • Each PARAM value is between 0 and 1
  • Each weight applied to the PARAMS are between 0 and 1 s


A simplified version of the problem follows.

This runs in a reasonable amount of time:

SELECT value1, value2 
FROM sometable 
WHERE id = 1 
ORDER BY value2

This does not run in a reasonable amount of time:

 SELECT value1, (value2 * an_arbitrary_float) as value3 
 FROM sometable 
 WHERE id = 1 
 ORDER BY value3

Using the above example, is there any solution that allows me to do an ORDER BY with out computing value3 ahead of time?


MySQL lacks many sexy features that could help you with this. Perhaps you could add a column with the calculated ranking, index it and write a couple of triggers to keep it updated.

Álvaro G. Vicario
The problem is the weighting that is used to calculate SCORE, is based on user input - it's unknown until runtime. As such, there is no way to (easily) calculate the scores in advance. One possible solution could be to change the weighting of PARAMS from a float to a known set of values (0, .2, .4, .6, .8) but then storage requirements of those computed values would be massive.
+1  A: 

I've found 2 (sort of obvious) things that have helped speed this query up to a satisfactory level:

  1. Minimize the number of rows that need to be sorted. By using an index on the 'id' field and a subselect to trim the number of records first, the file sort on the computed column is not that bad. Ie:

    SELECT t.value1, (t.value2 * an_arbitrary_float) as SCORE
    FROM (SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE id = 1) AS t 
  2. Try increasing sort_buffer_size in my.conf to speed up those filesorts.
