




I keep getting this error for linkshare.

*REPORTING ERROR: Our reporting servers are currently unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience, please try again later.*

What i am trying to do is call the api and get the results. on our website, when some user clicks on any linkshare banner, and make a purchase then certain points are added to their account on our website. we are using cron to execute this but when i try to run the api i get this error.

here is the code.

$get_report_for = date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),(date('d')-1),date('Y')));

$returned = get_web_url('http://cli.linksynergy.com/cli/publisher/reports/downloadReport.php?bdate='.$get_report_for.'&edate='.$get_report_for.'&cuserid='.urlencode('XXXX').'&cpi='.urlencode('xxxx').'&eid=xxxx&nid=1');

echo 'RETURNED:<br />'.nl2br($returned).'<br /><br />';

if(strlen($returned)>0 && !eregi(" returned a 404 error$",$returned)){ $tmpSplit = explode("\n",trim($returned)); echo 'Returned: '.count($tmpSplit).' Rows<br />';

what am i doing wrong? or is there any other way to call the linkshare. found a resource at - http://helpcenter.linkshare.com/publisher/questions.php?questionid=780

Are the reporting servers completely down or removed or am I doing any mistake with my coding? I wanted to know if there is something wrong in my code.

do I have to wait for another few days? i am waiting since 3 days now.