I have developed an application on Android which makes use of the Smack API to connect to XMPP server.In this application I hardcode the User Sign-In information i.e. Username and Password.
xmpp.login("admin", "tigase");
and I get packets from a different user
PacketFilter filter = new AndFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class), new FromContainsFilter("ameya@mwbn43-1"));
Now I am facing the problem that when I run the same app on 2 different android devices one device overwrites the other devices credentials and thus when I am trying to send the data,only one of them gets it. AFAIK in normal Google Chat, user can log into same account from 2 different places and can receive messages on both places at same time.
Can anyone tell me what could be the problem?Has it got something to do with Smack API?