


+1  Q: 

Fun with sessions

I've a problem that annoy me very much. It's because I'm trying to make a PHP login script. But when I log in correctly, it'll not let me in.

If I comment out some lines (I'll mark them), the script works, but that's the code I was planning to use to check in on every page, so people don't can come in if they don't should have access.

Below, I've posted the code.


function __autoload($class_name) {
 require_once "./functions/" . $class_name . ".php";
$functions = new functions;
$functions->header("Log ind",0);
$login = new login;


// Define class functions
class functions {
 function header($titel,$needlogin = 1) {
  echo $_SESSION['navn'];
// The following lines can be commented out, and it's working
  if($needlogin == 1) {
   if(!isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""&gt;
  <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" >
    <title><?php echo $titel; ?> - Hansens Opskrifter</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <h1>Hansens Opskrifter</h1>
// The above lines can be commented out, and it's working

 function footer() {


// Create the class MySQL
class mysql {
 function __construct() {

 function mysqlconnect() {
  $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass");
  if(!$conn) {
   die("Noget gik galt - kontakt Kristoffer og vis ham den følgende meddelelse: " . mysql_error());
  if(!mysql_select_db("db",$conn)) {
   die("Noget gik galt - kontakt Kristoffer og vis ham den følgende meddelelse: " . mysql_error());

 function mysqlquery($query) {
  $result = mysql_query($query);
  if($result) {
   return $result;


function __autoload($class_name) {
 require_once "./functions/" . $class_name . ".php";
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$pass = $_REQUEST['pass'];
$login = new login;
$l = $login->doLogin($name,$pass);
if($l == TRUE) {
} else {


class login {
 function __autoload($class_name) {
  require_once($class_name . ".php");
 function showLogin() {
  <h2>Log ind</h2>
  <form action="./login.php" method="post">
   Navn:<input type="text" name="name" />
   Kode:<input type="password" name="pass" />
   <input type="submit" value="Log ind" />
  <p><a href="./forgotpass.php" alt="Glemt kode" title="Glemt kode">Glemt kode?</a></p>

 function doLogin($name,$pass) {
  $mysql = new mysql;
  $n = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
  if(!$n) {
   $functions = new functions;
   $functions->header("Intet navn indtastet",0);
   echo "Du glemte at indtaste dit navn.";
   return false;
  } elseif(!$pass) {
   $functions = new functions;
   $functions->header("Ingen adgangskode indtastet",0);
   echo "Du glemte at indtaste din adgangskode.";
  $query = "SELECT `id`, `navn`, `kode` FROM `users` WHERE `navn` = '".$n."' ";
  $result = $mysql->mysqlquery($query);
  while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   $k = sha1($pass);
   $navn = $row['navn'];
   $kode = $row['kode'];
   $n = ucfirst(strtolower($n));
   if($navn == $n && $kode == $k) {
    $_SESSION['id'] = $row['id'];
    $_SESSION['navn'] = $row['navn'];
    return true;
   } else {
    $functions = new functions;
    $functions->header("Forkert navn eller kode",0);
    echo "Det indtastede navn eller kode er forkert.";
    return false;


function __autoload($class_name) {
 require_once ("./functions/" . $class_name . ".php");
header( "refresh:2;url=./panel/index.php",0);
$functions = new functions;
$functions->header("Logger ind...");
<p>Du er nu logget ind. Du vil automatisk blive viderestillet om omkring 5 sekunder. Hvis du er tr&aelig;t af at vente kan du <a href="./panel/index.php" alt="Opskrifter" title="Opskrifter">klikke her</a>.</p>

I've tried a lot of things, and now, I just hope you can help me. I've checked that there is a cookie that's created called PHPSESSID on my computer.

Thank you very much in advance.


The only thing I see after a quick look is that you do this:

echo $_SESSION['navn'];

before you run


That will not work. You can't output anything before you write an HTTP header. Remove that echo, or put it after the header().

I know that, and it was for testing purposes I set that in. It doesn't give me the error.
+2  A: 

That's a huge wall of text, but it would appear the flaw's in your index.php:

$login = new login;

You unconditionally create a login object and display the login form, without ever checking if a previous login attempt succeeded. I don't know if the $_SESSION['id'] and $_SESSION['navn'] you set in the login class are to indicate a successful login or not, but assuming they are, you should have something like:

if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
    // not logged in, show the form
    $login = new login;
// show logged in content here
Marc B
And that's why I've this code in the header:`if($needlogin == 1) { if(!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { header("Location:"); exit; }`This should check if the user is logged in correctly, and is included on every page. If the variable is set to 0, it'll not be checked.
But if's default document is that index.php you've got above, then you're right back at the login form.
Marc B
It is the default document, but if the login is correct, it should redirect to /panel/index.php
+1  A: 

Hi, I think only isset is not enough. Even if a variable is 0 then also isset returns true.

Try using the following code:

if ((isset($_SESSION['id']))&&($_SESSION['id']!=0)) {

$login = new login;


exit(); }
Where in the code should that be?
In /functions/functions.php line number 7
Thanks, I'll try that ASAP.
Thank you very much - it's all fixed now. I've accepted your answer - it's amazing, thanks.
@lakridserne: You are most welcome.