



1) I'm using WordPress as a CMS for a site. Therefore I want to use the Pages instead of the Posts. When I add a new page, it will create it at an address like "http://localhost/new_mtt/about-us", but when I click on View Page, it goes to the 404 Page not Found Page. Is there something I need to set somewhere so the pages work?

2) Also, I would like to create a default index page, but as it is now, it will use the first post as the index page. How can I set it up to show a specific page as the index page or how can I create an index page on the Pages area?

3) I'm using wp_list_pages to list out the navigation but it is in the wrong order. Is there any way I can re-order the pages as they appear in the navigation?

+1  A: 

2) In the WP admin dashboard, on the left, click on: Settings >> Reading - Pick A static page. The page you pick for Front Page will be the default index page. Posts Page will be where your most recent blog posts are shown.

3) The following lists the Pages by the Order value you can set for each page:

   <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order'); ?>

Also, searching and participating in the Wordpress support forum will probably help you a lot.

Peter Ajtai
Thank you very much! Those are exactly the solutions I am looking for. I just wish I knew why my pages are linking to 404 error pages.

If you are thinking using pages or post will make difference...that is not true. basically google does not know which are the pages and which are posts. what google knows is both are articles and which has some content. You can use post as pages and pages as post. What is important is how you are managing the pages and posts.

Templating is quite different for pages and posts.
Peter Ajtai