Is there some better way to do the below? (without having the possibility of a fatal error)
function remove_before($needle,$haystack){
return substr(strstr($haystack,$needle),strlen($needle));
like strstr($haystack,$needle) but without the needle in the returned string, and I might as well ask if this can be improved too...
function remove_after($needle,$haystack){
return substr($haystack, 0, strrpos($haystack, $needle));
note that remove after strips the string after the last occurrence of needle, and remove before strips the string before the first occurrence of needle.
edit: example:
$needle = '@@';
$haystack = 'one@@two@@three';
remove_after($needle,$haystack);//returns one@@two
remove_before($needle,$haystack)://returns two@@three
edit: I will leave it here for other people to reference.