




Is it possible to set the property of a server tag from a c# expression, i.e. something like

<asp:TextBox Width='<%= [some c# expression] %>'/> 


I though this would be pretty straightforward, but I can't get such an expression to run.

Thanks for any help


+4  A: 

Yes, this is possible. You need to make sure the control runs server side (runat="server"), but depends on exactly what you are trying to evaluate in the expression.

So long as the expression returns a string, it should be fine.

<asp:TextBox id="txt" runat="server" Width='<%= (10 * 10).ToString() %>px'/> 

This will result in a width='100' in the browser.


The above is completely wrong. You cannot put server side code render blocks (<%%> and <%=%>) in a server side control markup in this manner (since it already is a run server side).

In order to dynamically control the value, this needs to be done either in codebehind or within separate render blocks:

  txt.Width = (10 * 10).ToString() + "px";
<asp:TextBox id="txt" runat="server" /> 

See this and this for reference.

I'd also like to add that `<%= (10 * 10).ToString() %>` is a `Response.Write((10 * 10).ToString());`, just for better comprehension
This is odd. I tried your example: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxAmt" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "percent", "{0:###.##}") %>' Width='<%= (10 * 10).ToString() %>'/>But I get the error:Cannot create an object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit' from its string representation '<%= (10 * 10).ToString() %>' for the 'Width' property.(The TextBox is in a databound grid)I also tried a simple expression <%="40"%> and <%="40px"%>. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thank you.
@Ryan - `Width` is a `Unit`, so needs a number + a unit. My example should really be `Width='<%= (10 * 10).ToString() %>px'`
Hi @Oded, it still complained about not being a valid representation. I have boiled this down to the simplest form: <asp:Label runat="server" ID="tst" Text='<%="hi"%>' /> - this label doesn't display anything! (If I replace the expression with a literal, it displays). Thanks for your ongoing help.
@Ryan - just use `<asp:Label runat="server" ID="tst"><%= "hi"%></asp:Label>`
do not hesitate to get the actual tzpe of the object too, doing some <%# Container.DataItem %> or <%# Container.DataItem.GetType() %>, just to be sure of what you have..
@Ryan - answer updated. Looks like this is _not_ possible on server side controls. I thought, mistakenly that it _was_. You _can_ use binding expressions (`<%#%>`), but not code render blocks (`<%%>` and `<%=%>`).

Beware of the type you bind to .

for instance

<asp:TextBox runat=server ID=C_TB_MyTB 
        Text=<%# MyText %> 
        Width=<%# MyWidth %>

Binding this textbox with

protected string MyWidth="300";
protected string MyText = "Bla bla bla...";

won't work , whereas :

protected int MyWidth=300;
protected string MyText = "Bla bla bla...";

will do...

good code to you,
