I just can't find a solution to this...
I have several dynamic page links that look like http://DOMAIN/PAGENAME?&param=a/param2=b&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=114&param3=c
No I want to have a rewrite for certain "tx_ttnews[tt_news]" values, i.e. if it exists (or certain other numbers) I want to redirect to a completly different URL.
I have just a small set, so basically I need a rule "Exists A > redirect to G", like
tx_ttnews[tt_news]=114 >> domain.com/asd.html tx_ttnews[tt_news]=93 >> otherdomain.org/ljasd.php
There is a mapping list, I could input lines for each item. I just don't know the right code....
Does anyone have a clue?