




I have an existing database that has some testing data into and I'm interested in turning it into a set of DDL, DML, and DCL files so that I could run it against other database systems and create the same schema and such. The database is MS Access 2003.


  1. If your target DB is MS SQL Server, you can use the upsizing wizard to port the access database. You can install and use the MS SQL Server Express Edition and pull the DDL from there.

  2. MS Visio 2003 Enterprise has a Database Reverse Engineering tool that can import the objects from the Access database then export the SQL. (This used to be standard in Visio 2000, if you can get your hands on that).

Patrick Cuff
Ain't that just like MS... Make you buy _another_ one of their tools in order to reverse engineer this stuff... :)
Tim Visher
Ain't that the truth! I got burned by the "upgrade" from Visio 2000 to 2003 and lost functionality :(
Patrick Cuff