



So I'm using Delayed::Job workers (on Heroku) as an after_create callback after a user creates a certain model.

A common use case, though, it turns out, is for users to create something, then immediately delete it (likely because they made a mistake or something).

When this occurs the workers are fired up, but by the time they query for the model at hand, it's already deleted, BUT because of the auto-retry feature, this ill-fated job will retry 25 times, and definitely never work.

Is there any way I can catch certain errors and, when they occur, prevent that specific job from ever retrying again, but if it's not that error, it will retry in the future?


Abstract the checks into the function you call with delayed_job. Make the relevant checks wether your desired job can proceed or not and either work on that job or return success.

David Lyod