




I am writing an application for Registration form (with fields--> firstName, EMail, password, postalCode etc.,.). while, user enters value in first textfield(ex: firstName in my app), it should connect to the remote URL.. and check the user entered value with the responseData(0/1).

(1)How to check 'firstName.text' (IB field) with responseData of ASIHTTPRequest. which method and properties should i use?

(2)How to display an UIImage at the end of UITextfield , basing on responseData?

(3)I have to repeat the steps 1 & 2 for each&every textfield for entire form. How to call a single method for all the textfields in Reg.form.

(4)How to create RadioButtons using iPhoneSDK, and how to save the selected RadioButton value?

I am trying for these 4 things from several days...Can any one of you please post sample code relative to my requirement.? Please, its very urgent....

Thanks for being helpful.....Waiting for your reply...