I use psycopg2 for accessing my postgres database in python. My function should create a new database, the code looks like this:
def createDB(host, username, dbname):
adminuser = settings.DB_ADMIN_USER
adminpass = settings.DB_ADMIN_PASS
conn=psycopg2.connect(user=adminuser, password=adminpass, host=host)
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s OWNER %s" % (nospecial(dbname), nospecial(username)))
except Exception, e:
raise e
def nospecial(s):
pattern = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+')
return pattern.sub('', s)
When I call createDB my postgres server throws an error: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block with the errorcode 25001 which stands for "ACTIVE SQL TRANSACTION".
I'm pretty sure that there is no other connection running at the same time and every connection I used before calling createDB is shut down.