



Hello, since some time I'm having problems with Eclipse. When opening any file with class which extends one specified class (Presenter), an error occures:

Multiple problems have occurred Internal Error

I've noted, that problems occurres only when loading the mentioned class - Presenter. When I delete "extends Presenter" or when I delete the file, which contains class Presenter, problems dissappear.

Class Presenter is part of PHP framework Nette, so you can see contents of this class here:

I can provide contents of LOG files, if that may help, but those are large (over 1MiB).


You can increase vm stacksize and check. but a better solution would be to work out how to avoid recursing so much.

Add the flag -Xss1024k in the VM Arguments for starting eclipse (in eclipse.ini file in your eclipse installation folder).

You can also increase stack size in mb by using -Xss1m for example .


What exact version of Eclipse and PDT are you using?

There was a bug last month about that kind of error: bug 316876, but it appears to be fixed in PDT-2.2.0.v20100616.

Check also your eclipse.ini like, for instance, this ones (depending on your eclipse version).

Increasing stack size unfortunately doesn't help...Here's part of my eclipse.ini: -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -Xss1mI have PDT 2.2.0.v20100519, but I can't find any way to update PDT to mentioned version...Eclise says there's no updates... :)
Radek Šimko
@Radek: try using the exact settings I mention in the eclipse.ini link. Are you using Eclipse Helios 3.6? Even if Eclipse says there is not update, you could try unzipping the [latest update site]( from the [PDT downloads page](, and see if a more recent version helps.
@VonC: I've tried that multiple times, but the fact is, I cant find the right version you mentioned (2.2.0.v20100616).I've tried to download last 2.2.0 Maintenance build on , which should contains the bugfix, but in fact the ZIP contains some different version: - 2.2.0.v20100519, not 20100616...
Radek Šimko
@Radek: strange: I suppose they haven't released that exact version yet.