It can be done, but I believe that the only way is through the following monstrosity (assuming your time interval column name is "ti"):
to_char(floor(extract(epoch from ti)/3600),'FM00')
|| ':' || to_char(floor(cast(extract(epoch from ti) as integer) % 3600 / 60), 'FM00')
|| ':' || to_char(cast(extract(epoch from ti) as integer) % 60,'FM00')
as hourstamp
from whatever;
See? I told you it was horrible :)
It would have been nice to think that
select to_char(ti,'HH24:MI:SS') as hourstamp from t
would worked, but alas, the HH24 format doesn't "absorb" the overflow beyond 24. The above comes (reconstructed from memory) from some code I once wrote. To avoid offending those of delicate constitution, I encapsulated the above shenanigans in a view...