Dead silence! Not often you experience that on Stackoverflow... I've added a small bounty to get things going!
I've built a json document containing information about the location of various countries. I have added some custom keys. This is the beginning of the json-file:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {
"NAME": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"banned/censored": "AG",
"Bombed": 29,
"LON": -61.783000, "LAT": 17.078000 },
"geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -61.686668,...
All the custom keys (like bombed, banned/censored etc.) have values, but they are just old (bogus if you want) values. The real values are kept in a .csv file extracted from a excel document.
I e.g. have this:
banned/censored bombed
Antigua and Barbuda 2 120
Now I want to match these values with the proper key in the json-file. Is there any programs out there that I can use? Another option would be a json library for java, which somehow supports what I want. I havent been able to find an easy solution for it yet. The document is pretty large ~ 10MB, if it makes any difference!
EDIT: I've used QGIS to manipulate the .shp file, so some kind of extension could be of use too.