



I am pretty happy with JSF 2.0 and I am not familiar with Wicket.

If I would switch from JSF 2.0 to Wicket...

  1. What would I like most in Wicket?
  2. What would I miss most from JSF 2.0?

I guess it's only possible to answer this question if you have experience with both frameworks.

Please don't compare with JSF 1.x.

+2  A: 

I am a wicket user and have little experience with JSF. This is what you will enjoy with wicket:

  1. Clean separation of presentation and logic such that you can have a designer do the presentation in HTML and a developer do the logic of the same page in java
  2. Nothing new to learn. Your entire code base will be composed of pure java and pure HTML files. No xml configurations, no taglibs, not page flow logic inside the markup
  3. Extremely active and helpful mailing list. I am a member of the mailing list and i usually get answers to my questions in minutes.
  4. Easy integration with other frameworks. I use my wicket applications with google Guice for DI and jpa/Hibernate for data access. Integration with spring is explicitly supported.
  5. wide variety of components. the core components are quite rich. There are hundreds of other third party components raging from tooltips to google maps , charts, datagrids , and many many others

what will you miss in JSF

  1. You will not be using a standard - Your boss may not like it. Mine is more torerable
  2. By using a standard , you have many implementations to choose from - Richfaces, icefaces etc i cant think of anything you were able to do with jsf that you wont be able to do with wicket.
Point 1 and 2 are beaten by `jsfc` attribute (which acts exactly like Wicket's `wicket` attribute). On JSF 2.0, no XML configuration is needed as well. Convention over configuration. Point 3 is a matter of finding the right place for the question (, forums.sun.som, mailinglists of component library vendors, etc). Point 4 makes no sense, all works fine on JSF as well. Point 5, you've plenty of choice in JSF as well: RichFaces, IceFaces, PrimeFaces, OpenFaces, DojoFaces, Trinidad, Tomahawk, etc..etc.. Well, you've indeed little JSF experience.